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Unprecedented Collaboration Between the Financial Sector and the Fintech Ecosystem: Highlights from FINNOSUMMIT 2023

FINNOSUMMIT 2023, held at the El Cantoral Cultural Center in Mexico City, brought together the Fintech community, incumbents, investors, associations, major tech companies, and other ecosystem […]

The startup Nauphilus wins FINNOSUMMIT Challenge 2023, followed by Zumma and the American company QUASH.

In the dynamic Fintech ecosystem in Latin America collaboration and strategic connections might be key to entrepreneurs’ success.

Changing lives through financial education: join our fundraising at FINNOSUMMIT

Este 2023 está marcando un hito importante en el viaje de Finnovista. Estamos celebrando con entusiasmo una década de dedicación a transformar la industria financiera en América Latina y queremos seguir contribuyendo al ecosistema y a la sociedad a través de la recaudación de fondos para la educación financiera de los más pequeños. ¡Únete a nuestra acción solidaria!

The Treasure of Financial Innovation: The 10 Fearless Warriors of FINNOSSUMMIT Challenge 2023

Welcome, brave Fintech adventurers! The time has come to announce the 10 fearless warriors who have embarked on the epic quest for one of the most […]

Strategic Connections: How being part of the Finnovista Fintech Radar Facilitates Collaboration Between Startups and Key Players in the Region

In the dynamic Fintech ecosystem in Latin America collaboration and strategic connections might be key to entrepreneurs’ success.
Red de mentores Finnovista

Finnovista Mentors: Building Bridges to Fintech Startups’ Success

For those who don’t know me, I am Zalo Sánchez, a Fintech and open innovation specialist with over 10 years of experience fostering startup and Fintech […]

Las startups finalistas de Objetivo Fintech 2023 ponen de manifiesto el gran futuro de la Inteligencia Artificial en Fintech 

La mexicana Finerio Connect quedó en tercer lugar de esta competición global que buscaba a la startup más innovadora del mundo para firmar una alianza estratégica de colaboración.
Crear conexiones y alianzas entre startups Fintech en Finnosummit

La importancia de impulsar la colaboración entre los ecosistemas Fintech de México y España

En los últimos años, ambos países se han convertido en actores destacados del panorama Fintech; España a nivel europeo y México en América Latina como segundo ecosistema más activo detrás de Brasil.

The future of Fintech is women.

Last Monday, March 8th, the ninth edition of FINNOSUMMIT Hour took place, which had as its main theme the participation of women in the growing Fintech […]

Fintech rockstars wanted for Visa Everywhere Initiative 2021 competition

It’s easier than ever for startups in the payments industry to compete for $100,000 in prizes Ariel Rochwerger co-founded a fintech called Fygaro that helps SMEs […]